Fill Station
990 N Fort Valley Rd, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, USA
1 review
Fill Station
990 N Fort Valley Rd, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, USA
1 review
Fill Station
990 N Fort Valley Rd, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, USA
1 review
Free or Paid:
Water Type:
Hose Connection
We came here for filling up gas and paid in cash--so while we were in there we asked the attendant if we could refill our water. They said yes! There's a spigot behind the dumpsters (trash and recycling) to the right of the building.
Water Station
We came here for filling up gas and paid in cash--so while we were in there we asked the attendant if we could refill our water. They said yes! There's a spigot behind the dumpsters (trash and recycling) to the right of the building. We even washed our dishes while filling up (there’s a drain on the ground right there for grey water) and there was great pressure, super fast fill up.
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