Organized camping
Turístico Playa del Borrego 453, Playa del Borrego, 63743 San Blas, Nay., Mexico
1 review
Organized camping
Turístico Playa del Borrego 453, Playa del Borrego, 63743 San Blas, Nay., Mexico
1 review
Organized camping
Turístico Playa del Borrego 453, Playa del Borrego, 63743 San Blas, Nay., Mexico
1 review
Free or Paid:
Open Year Round
Cell coverage:
(from user reviews)
Lovely cabins with a big parking area for any sized rig. Hosts are lovely and parking is 100 pesos. They have turtle releases here when the season is right. Sounds like it used to be free and it looks like a public parking lot but who knows, not too much to pay for a spot on the beach. There are put toilets and water for washing.
Water Access
Lovely cabins with a big parking area for any sized rig. Hosts are lovely and parking is 100 pesos. They have turtle releases here when the season is right. Sounds like it used to be free and it looks like a public parking lot but who knows, not too much to pay for a spot on the beach. There are put toilets and water for washing.
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