Organized camping
58F5+5R León, Guanajuato, Mexico
1 review
Organized camping
58F5+5R León, Guanajuato, Mexico
1 review
Organized camping
58F5+5R León, Guanajuato, Mexico
1 review
Free or Paid:
Open Year Round
Cell coverage:
(from user reviews)
Basically a parking lot, we were told to park anywhere on the cobblestones. Very quite at night and cool to see the lights on the lake after everyone leaves. Dogs allowed but you have to show proof of vaccine and pay 65 extra for the dog. The campsite was 226 with 2 people and a dog for 1 nighy.
Paved Parking Area
Pets Allowed
Basically a parking lot, we were told to park anywhere on the cobblestones. Very quite at night and cool to see the lights on the lake after everyone leaves. Dogs allowed but you have to show proof of vaccine and pay 65 extra for the dog. The campsite was 226 with 2 people and a dog for 1 nighy.
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