Street Parking
Panorámica 30, Zona Centro, 36000 Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico
1 review
Street Parking
Panorámica 30, Zona Centro, 36000 Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico
1 review
Street Parking
Panorámica 30, Zona Centro, 36000 Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico
1 review
Free or Paid:
Open Year Round
Cell coverage:
(from user reviews)
This is a great spot to park but gets very busy on the weekend. We got here at like 3pm Saturday and there was already a kid helping people park. Got so filled we couldn't have even left if we wanted to, we were blocked in by two other vans. Didn't matter anyways cause we left very safe parking here. Gave the attendant 40 pesos.
Overnight Parking
This is a great spot to park but gets very busy on the weekend. We got here at like 3pm Saturday and there was already a kid helping people park. Got so filled we couldn't have even left if we wanted to, we were blocked in by two other vans. Didn't matter anyways cause we left very safe parking here. Gave the attendant 40 pesos.
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